
    Peer-reviewed publications

    Fornalé E., "Slow violence, gender and climate agency", Revista de Derecho Europeo, 2023.
    Available here

    Fornalé E., Odasso L., Armiero M., "Trust in disaster resilience", Disaster Prevention and Management, vol. 32 (2), 2023, pp. 253-267, DOI: 10.1108/dpm-04-2022-0082.

    Fornalé E., "Vulnerability, intertemporality, and climate litigation", Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/18918131.2023.2225973

    Fornalé E., Curtis D., "A checkered past: The history of detaining migrants and their families in the United States", La Comunità Internazionale, vol. 4/22, LXXVII, 2022, pp. 647-666.
    Available here

    Fornalé E., Curtis D., "International human rights law and the detention of asylum seekers", American Immigration Law Journal, vol. 4, No.2, October 2022, pp. 171-188.

    Fornalé E., Odasso L., "The ‘inconfinables’ or the creation of superfluous life in time of crisis", Migration Letters, vol. 19 (6),2022, pp. 739-749.

    Fornalé E.,Cristani F., Vilane G. S., "Sustainable management of fisheries resources in a time of climate change: An overview of initiatives in the Mediterranean Region", Italian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 31, 2022, 171-187.

    Fornalé E., “La parità di genere nell’emergenza: un’analisi del carattere democratico-rappresentativo delle “task forces” alla luce del diritto internazionale”, Gruppo di Pisa - Dibattito aperto sul Diritto e la Giustizia costituzionale, Issue 1, (2021), 342-359 (with Chiara Germano).
    Available here

    Fornalé E., “A l’envers: Setting the Stage for an Protective Environment to Deal with “Climate Refugees”, European Journal for Migration Law, vol. 22 (4), (December 2020). 518–540.

    Fornalé E., “People to people connectivity: the role of mutual recognition regime”, European Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 17 (1), (2018) 31-54.

    Fornalé E., “Adaptive migration: pluralising the debate on climate change and migration, Themed Section”, The Geographical Journal, vol. 183 (4), (2017) 322-328 (with Andrew Baldwin).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., “Climate change and human mobility in the Pacific Region: Plans, policies and lessons learned”, World Bank Group, Thematic Working Group on Environmental Change and Migration, KNOMAD (December 2017) (with Sophia Kagan).
    Available here .

    Contribution to Books

    Fornalé E., “Achievements and Hurdles Towards Women’s Access to Climate justice”, in E. Fornalé and F. Cristani (ed.), Women’s Empowerment and Its Limits. Interdisciplinary and Transnational Perspectives Toward Sustainable Progress, Palgrave (2023), pp. 33-53, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-29332-0_3.

    Fornalé E., "Women’s empowerment: setting the scene", in E. Fornalé and F. Cristani (ed.), Women Empowerment and Its Limits, Palgrave (2023), DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-29332-0_3

    Fornalé E., "Embracing gender parity at International and European level", in De Vido, S., Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention, Edward Elgar Publisher (2023).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., “The role of vulnerability in climate change litigation", in A. Pomade (ed.), Vulnérabilité (s) environnementale (s): perspectives pluridisciplinaires (2023).

    Fornalé E. “On the road to powerful equality”, in E. Fornalé (ed.), Gender Equality. Reflecting on Power, Representation, and Global Justice, Brill (2022)

    Fornalé E. and Germano C., “Gender equality in crisis: Emerging challenges for democratic legitimacy”, in E. Fornalé (ed.), Gender Equality. Reflecting on Power, Representation, and Global Justice, Brill (2022).

    Fornalé E., Odasso L., "Gli ‘inconfinabili’: L’eccezione che conferma la regola?", Ambrosini Maurizio, D'Amico Marilisa, Perassi Emilia (eds), Confini, Migrazioni, Diritti Umani, Milano University Press, 2022, 239-263.

    Fornalé E., “Collective action, common concern and climate-induced migration,” Behrman S. & Kent A. (Eds.) Climate Refugees: Global, Local and Critical Approaches. Earth System Governance series Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 107-127 (2022).

    Fornalé E., “The role of vulnerability in climate change litigation”, in A. Pomade (ed.), Vulnérabilité (s) environnementale (s): perspectives pluridisciplinaires (forthcoming 2022).

    Fornalé E., “Regional environmental governance”, in T. Krieger, D. Panke and M. Pregerning (eds.), Environment and Conflict, Migration and Governance (with Cristani F. and Lavenex S.) Bristol University Press (2020), 136-156.

    Fornalé E., “Floating rights in times of environmental changes”, in G. Cataldi, M. Corleto, M. Pace (eds.), Migrations and Fundamental Rights: the way forward, Editoriale Scientifica Napoli (2019), 183-200.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., “Labour mobility options as adaptation strategies to environmental changes?”, in D. Manou, A. Baldwin, D. Cubie, A. Mihr and T. Thorp (eds.), Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights: Law and Policy Perspectives, Routledge (2017). 203-215.


    Fornalé E., "Climate migration law" (under contract, Edward Elgar, 2025).

    Fornalé E., "The protection of human rights of irregular migrants: The case of Morocco", Peter Lang, Bern (2012), DOI: 10.3726/978-3-0351-0512-4.

    Books Edited

    Fornalé E., Cristani F., "Women empowerment and its limits: Interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives toward sustainable progress", Palgrave/Springer (2023), DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-29332-0_3.

    Fornalé E., "Gender equality. Reflecting on power, representation, and global justice", Brill (2022), DOI: 10.1163/9789004467682_012

    Fornalé E., Panizzon M., Zuercher, "The handbook of international labour migration", Palgrave (2015), DOI: 10.1057/9781137352217.

    Book review

    Yildiz A., “Benoit Mayer and François Crépeau (eds), Research Handbook on Climate Change, Migration and the Law (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham & Northampton, MA, 2017”, International Journal of Refugee Law (April 2020).
    Available here .

    Non peer-reviewed publications

    Fornalé E., Bilkova, V.; Burgorgue-Larsen, L.; Cristani, F.; De Vido, S.; Doebbler, C.; Hertogen, A., Amicus Curiae - Request for an advisory opinion on the Climate Emergency and Human Rights submitted to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights by the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Chile of January 9, 2023, December 2023.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Nsowaa-Adu M., Negotiating towards a tailor-made gender protocol under the AfCFTA: could integrating Africa's fragmented gender chapters be the key?’, in ‘Making trade work for women: key learnings from the World Trade Congress on Gender’, WTO (2023),
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Submission to the general discussion on the ‘Draft general recommendation on equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems’, CEDAW Committee, February 2023,
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Submission for the ‘Call for comments on the draft general comment on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change’ Child Committee, February 2023.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., U.S. government detention of asylum seekers flouts, International Human Rights Law - Blog: Think Immigration, American Immigration Law Association, November 2022.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E. and T. Köhler, “Climate change inaction and children rights”, Blog post, Jurist: Legal News & Commentary, February 2022.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., "Gender parity and small businesses: What role for the Trade Agenda?", Trade Forum, 15 December 2021, (With Cristani and Baush).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., “Per la nostra vita pubblica”, InGenere, 11 November 2021.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E. and Bieri E., Innovation, Digitalization and Skills Development for the Implementation of Objective 18, as a part of the series of blog posts examining the First Regional Review (UNECE Region) of the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration (The Marrakesh Compact), March 31, 2021 .
    Available here .

    Fornalé E. and Cristani F., Framing Labour Mobility, Investment Migration and Development Cooperation as Emerging Strategies to Implement Objectives 2 and 5 of the GCM, as a part of the series of blog posts examining the First Regional Review (UNECE Region) of the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration (The Marrakesh Compact), March 29, 2021 .
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., “Putting Women at the Core of the Post-Covid-19 Recovery Strategy”, InGenere, 27 August 2020, (with Flavia Bustreo).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Uncharted Territory: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Destabilizing the Borders of Our Freedoms, JURIST – Academic Commentary, April 7, 2020.
    Available here .

    Yildiz A. and Dhanasree J., “What to expect in the upcoming Climate Action Summit? A closer look at the small island states”, published in the online blog of Foraus (2019).
    Available here .

    Dhanasree J. and Yildiz A., “What to expect in the upcoming Climate Action Summit? Climatisation and disaster risk reduction”, published in the online blog of Foraus (2019).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E. and Yildiz A., “Indicators for Objective 2: Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin”, in E. Guild and T. Basaran (eds.), The UN's Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration: Indicators, published in the Refugee Law Initiative Blog (2019).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E. and Yildiz A., “Indicators for Objective 18: Invest in skills development and facilitate mutual recognition of skills, qualifications and competences”, in E. Guild and T. Basaran (eds.), The UN's Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration: Indicators, published in the Refugee Law Initiative Blog (2019).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., “GCM Commentary: Objective 18: Invest in skills development and facilitate mutual recognition of skills, qualifications and competences”, as a part of The UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Analysis of the Final Draft, (13 July, 2018), Objective by Objective, (2018) blog series edited by E. Elspeth and T. Basaran available at:
    E-book .
    A French translation of this blog is available on the Plateforme Nationale Protection Migrants .

    Fornalé E. and Yildiz A., “Objective 18: Invest in skills development and facilitative recognition of skills, qualifications and competences”, as a part of “First Perspectives on the Zero Draft (5 February 2018) for the UN Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” (February 14, 2018)” edited by E. Guild and T. Basaran, Queen Mary School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 272/2018.

    Fornalé E. and Yildiz A., “Objective 18: Invest in skills development and facilitate recognition of skills, qualifications and competence”, in Guild E. (ed.), First Perspectives on the Zero Draft for the UN Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration of 5 February 2018.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Doebbler C., and Yildiz A., Submission in relation to Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/35/20 on human rights and climate change, (2018).
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Recommendations addressing displacement in the context of disasters and the adverse impacts of climate change (May 2018), Submission to the Task Force on Displacement Stakeholder Meeting, 14.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., United Nations Statement, as Expert, presented at the Thematic session on “Irregular migration and regular pathways, including decent work, labour mobility, recognition of skills and qualifications and other relevant measures” of the consultation phase of the Global Compact for Migration negotiation process (13 October 2017), United Nations, Geneva.
    Available here .

    Fornalé E., Panizzon M. and Guild E., United Nations Joint Statement, submitted to the Global Compact for Migration Thematic Session, United Nations, Geneva (20 June 2017).
    Available here .

    Publications for Public Dissemination

    Fornalé E., Sea Change, Photobook, Travelogue (2021) (Fieldwork in the Small Islands States). ISBN 978-2-8399-3299-8.

    Fornalé E., “Kiribati geht uns alle an”, in the Special Issue: Sustainability, UniPress, vol. 179 (2020 in press).

    Fornalé E., “Klima und Migration: Wer übernimmt Verantwortung?“, in the Special Issue: Chancen und Risiken, UniPress, vol. 172 (2017), 16.
    Available here .

    The CLI_M_CO2 Project is funded under the grant No. PP00P1163700 by the Swiss National Foundation Research.
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